== General HoN 2.6.23 Changes ==
- Halloween has made its mark on Newerth!
* Pumpkins have grown around the map
* The world sounds much spookier
* The days are more golden, while the nights are even darker... beware!
* Ghosts now haunt the bases
* The Halloween Spirit has infected the lane creeps and powerups
* Frankenkongor is alive! HE'S ALIVE!!! (He also really really likes Pumpkins)
* Wards of Sight and Wards of Revelation now give off a much softer light...
* Keeper of the Forest can create a pumpkin patch
* Kuldra's Sheeptick's chattering teeth are much sharper
- The following have been enabled for tournament rules:
* Hero- Ellonia
* Hero- Riftwalker
* Hero- Bramble
* Hero- Ravenor
* Hero- Prophet
* Hero- Rally
* Item-Icon of the Goddess
* Item-Sacrificial Stone
- Fixed particles following Soulstealer after teleporting
- Fixed losing mana if you were using an "active mana cost" Ability (e.g. Scout's Vanish ) and swapping Steamboots
== Items ==
- Added 5 new items: Lightbrand, Searing Light, Frozen Light, Grimoire of Power, and Dawnbringer
- Lightbrand
* Recipe: Neophytes Book (1000g) + Apprentice's Robe (450g) + Light Brand Recipe (750g) - Total Cost 2200g
* Applies Burning in a 200 radius on attack for 3 seconds which deals 8 Magic Damage per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
* +16 Intelligence
* +3 Mana Regeneration
- Searing Light
* Recipe: Lightbrand (2200g) + Firebrand (2200g) - Total Cost 4400g
* Applies Burning in a 200 radius on attack for 3 seconds which deals 12 Magic Damage per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
* +16 Agility
* +16 Intelligence
* +14% Movement Speed
* +20 Attack Speed
* +5 Mana Regeneration
- Frozen Light
* Recipe: Lightbrand (2200g) + Icebrand (2200g) - Total Cost 4400g
* On attack applies Chilled to target which slows movement speed by 3% per charge for 3.5 seconds if wielded by a melee hero, or 2 seconds if wielded by a ranged hero. Adds one charge per application. Maximum of 3 charges.
* Applies Burning in a 200 radius on attack for 3 seconds which deals 12 Magic Damage per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
* +16 Strength
* +16 Intelligence
* +10 Damage
* +5 Mana Regeneration
- Grimoire of Power
* This book holds the wisdom of the ancients. Within its pages are multiple means to power, by both vice and virtue. Ancient formulas to unlock the secrets of man and demon are encrypted within its pages for those who dare to release it from within the Blessed Orb.
* Recipe: Lightbrand (2200g) + Blessed Orb (2100g) + Grimoire of Power Recipe (700g) - Total Cost 5000g
* Passively increases all damage done by you by 15%. Applies Burning on attack for 3 seconds which deals 40 Magic Damage per second to target and 200 radius around it. Does not stack.
* +10 Strength
* +10 Agility
* +26 Intelligence
* +4 Mana Regeneration
- Dawnbringer
* Recipe: Lightbrand (2200g) + Frostbrand (2200g) + Firebrand (2200g) - Total Cost 6600g
* On attack applies Chilled to target which slows movement speed by 3% percharge for 3.5 seconds if wielded by a melee hero, or 2 seconds if wielded by a ranged hero. Adds one charge per application. Maximum of 3 charges.
* Applies Burning in a 200 radius on attack for 3 seconds which deals 16 Magic Damage per second. Stacks up to 3 times.
* +18 Strength
* +18 Agility
* +18 Intelligence
* +15 Damage
* +16% Movespeed
* +25 Attack Speed
* +6 Mana Regeneration
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1 discussions:
dime donde descargo el parche porfa ?
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