Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Moraxus Guide - HoN Hero Guides

Heroes of Newerth Hero Guides: Moraxus

Hero Name: Moraxus
Affiliation: Hellbourne
Primary Attribute: Strength
Introduced: HoN 1.0.20 Patch

We need more axes!

Moraxus is a STR hero on the Hellbourne Side.

Moraxus Skills Guide:

Moraxus Skill # 1: Ground Quake

Makes the ground quake beneath Moraxus, damaging and slowing nearby enemies.

Moraxus Skill # 2: Arcane Shield

Moraxus gains resistance to damage and can absorb enemy spell energies with expert timing.

Moraxus Skill # 3: More Axes

Moraxus is armed with more axes, which he may throw at enemies as presents.

Moraxus Skill # 4: Matraxe (Ultimate)

Moraxus creates a defensive axe matrix which feeds off of the energies of nearby enemies. The matrix absorbs incoming damage, and Moraxus may detonate it to deal damage to nearby enemies.

What is your suggested Moraxus Hero and Item Build?
Comment below and share your expertise.

Moraxus trivia:
Did you know that Moraxus was inspired by the ideas of Diva (S2 Games staff)?

Read the sneak peek on Moraxus.
View the HoN Spotlight Video on Moraxus.
Read about the other HoN heroes at the Heroes of Newerth Hero Guides List.

18 discussions:

Anonymous said...

Herp derp... HoN copying LoL

Arcane Shield has a passive bonus which deactivates when it is in cooldown. Pfft, puhhhliissss

More Axes = Dr. Mundo's first skill with their added charge mechanic to make it look "unique"

Anonymous said...

Herp Derp you not knowing anything. Keep LoL-ing Fanboy

Anonymous said...

Its like PitLord in Dota

Anonymous said...

Is Moraxus in Dota is Pit Lord??

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the damn game and recall that not even Dota was completely original you fools. :P

Anonymous said...

League of Legends much?

#1. Ramus Ult + slow effect

#2. Sivir's magic shield

#3. Mundo's Axe throw - slow effect

#4. Sion's shield and/or Nunu's ult

At least Riot is making champs with new abilities and effects, and releasing them 2 per month.

Anonymous said...

^ this completely

Anonymous said...

ITT: LoL kids acting like they know anything about a competitive game. Fanbois

Anonymous said...

Who even cares if they are copied... everyone just play the damn game of your choice and be happy.

Anonymous said...

LoL fanboys plz, cut it with the crap and play a competitive and man game

Anonymous said...

Rammus ultimate? I believe EPICENTER is a skill that belongs to SAND KING on DotA - not Rammus.

Mundo's axe throw is based of health percentage. This is FIXED DAMAGE and actually requires skill to play since his spells cost MANA. And do you really think Mundo is the only hero in any video that throws a Hachet or an Axe? Guinsoo himself in an interview stated that Mundo was a PUDGE-like hero. Skill shot + AoE that deals damage to him etc.

You LoL tards... I'm currently ranked top 100 in 3v3 and 5v5 on LoL + top 5% PSR rating on HoN. Who gives a shit where the skills come from? It all depends on perspective, and games are meant for FUN.

Noobs like yourselves probably rarely enjoy yourselves when playing against stronger opponents.

Anonymous said...

mundos axe throw is like armadons snot but instead of -armor it deals dmg and instead of snot its axes.. omg riot copies stuff

Anonymous said...

omg.. that skill does damage? copied wtf

Anonymous said...

i like how oblivious all the HoNkies are, calling us LoL'ers fanboys, when the fact that its a blatant rip-off is right in their face..

Anonymous said...

Everyone saying they copied LoL is a complete tard. Both games are different variants of DoTa. Personally I think HoN takes so much more skill then LoL.

Unknown said...

Haha...Using the argument of "copying a skill and adding[insert random feature] to make it look cool" in DEFENSE of LoL is just stupid, because lol started it. At lest S2 tries to ballance their game. Riot just want their characters to sell for 2 weeks. Thats all they care about, nerfing everyone but the latest "cool hero" so everyone will keep buying champions. (the name champion is also an attempt to look unique).

And HoN NEVER said it wanted to be anything BUT a copy of dota. With differences, lol is the one copying chars and skills and trying to be unique :p

Anonymous said...

Anyone who's played a game of HoN and a game of LoL knows how much easier it is to win in LoL. All the players in LoL are stu**d aggro and lack the skill to coordinate proper strategy. They just go in and spam skills because there's no stat building, it's easy as f*** to do skill builds when you don't have to worry about stats. Plus there's no gold loss on death making it was easier to farm items...and all the items stack effects, making anyone who farms enough ridiculously powerful. LoL is for the noobs who just want to do lots of damage without having to have the skill to properly build skillsets and items.

Anonymous said...

mimimi 3rd skill is like chippers rocked with slow and without blablabla.

ulti is like tempest just without disabel and totaly other mechanic...

shiel is like acc shield just without dmg and you have to toggel it correctly -.-

you knew what i want to say. there will not come so much more total new abilitys.

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